Saturday, May 16, 2020

Napoleon s Influence On The French Revolution - 1163 Words

Napoleon had many impacts on the French Revolution between 1797 and 1815, due to his commanding of his military. Napoleon had many Political, and Military impacts on the French revolution. Military general and first emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, Corsica, France. One of the most celebrated leaders in the history of the West, he revolutionised military organization and training, sponsored Napoleonic Code, reorganised education and established the long-lived Concordat with the papacy. He died on May 5, 1821, on the island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean. Some of his political impacts that Napoleon had on France between 1797 and 1815 was his ability to overthrow the government which†¦show more content†¦He did this to raise funds towards his military campaigns. During these years, Napoleon reestablished a French aristocracy, that was eliminated during the French revolution, and began handing out titles of nobility to his loyal friends and family as his empire continued to expand across much of western and central continental Europe. He did this so he didn’t have to manage all of his armies/colonies at once, and could therefore manage his main army on all of his conquests. As far as political and civil liberties were concerned, Napoleon largely suppressed them with strict censorship and the establishment of a virtual police state in order to protect his power. However, Napoleon saw equality as a politically useful concept that he could maintain with little threat to his position. After all, everyone, at least all men, were equally under his power. One of his main accomplishments as a ruler was the establishment of the Napoleonic Civil Law Codes, which made all men equal under the law while maintaining their legal power over women. Therefore, any hopes women may have had of the Revolution improving their legal position were thwarted by Napoleon. Napoleon saw nationalism as crucial to maintaini ng the loyalty of the French people to his regime. After all, it was the spirit of nationalism that had inspired its armies in a remarkable series of victories that had especially benefited Napoleon and allowed hisShow MoreRelatedNapoleon s Control Over Europe s Territory1103 Words   |  5 PagesNapoleon’s Control Over Europe s Territory Napoleon Bonaparte will remain in the heart of many French nationals as one of the greatest military leaders that the nation has had when it comes to warfare history. In 1799, Napoleon launched a series of wars, which historians call, â€Å"Napoleonic Wars† in a bid to extend the territory of France in Europe. Many historians argue that the Napoleonic Wars were a continuation of the French Revolution in 1789. 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